Battery covers

High-quality battery covers for electric (bass include) and acoustic guitars, effects pedals & musical equipment.

Note: All spare parts include battery covers are 3D-printed by especially designed original 3D models.


It happens that the cover of the battery compartment of a guitar, effect pedal, microphone or other musical equipment breaks or is lost. And it turns out that buying a new cover is almost impossible. But this issue can be solved: I provide a service for manufacturing battery covers (battery covers) for electric guitars, bass guitars, preamps and tone blocks of acoustic guitars, effect pedals, microphones and other musical equipment and electronic equipment.


Production & dispatch

Terms of production and dispatch up to 10 days.


Shipping cost

Shipping cost not included into item price and paid separately.


Electric guitars battery doors

Battery cover Price
For Yamaha bass QA223302, BB2004, BB2005, BB604, BB605, BB614, BB614F, BB614L, BB615, BBG4AII, BBG4SII, BBG5S, RBX760AII, RBX774, RBX775, SG1820A. $25


Battery cover Price

For Yamaha electric guitar RGX A2/R.

For Yamaha bass TRB 1004/1005.

For Ibanez electric guitar.



Acoustic guitar preamps battery doors


Battery cover Price
For Belcat D-BOX preamp (operational reliability is better than the original). $25


Effect pedals battery doors


Drop-in compatible with original battery doors ECB 147 (Dunlop, MXR, VOX).

Battery cover Price
For Dunlop effect pedals, include Cry Baby. Type 1. $25
For Dunlop & MXR effect pedals. Type 2.
For VOX effect pedals Big Bad Wah. Type 1.


Battery cover Price
For Russian Big Muff Pi / Sovtek (Big Green Pi) effect pedals. $25


Battery cover Price
For DOD effect pedals. $25


Battery cover Price
For Rocktek effect pedals. $25


Battery cover Price
For Arion effect pedals. $25


Musical devices battery doors


Battery cover Price
For Yamaha SU200, QY20 etc sequencers.



Some of dispatched orders

Yamaha QA223302, BB2004, BB2005, BB604, BB605, BB614, BB614F, BB614L, BB615, BBG4AII, BBG4SII, BBG5S, RBX760AII, RBX774, RBX775, SG1820A.

Yamaha RGX A2/R, TRB 1004/1005, Ibanez etc.

Dunlop Cry Baby (CryBaby) - Type 1.

Dunlop, MXR - Type 2.

Russian Big Muff Pi / Sovtek (Big Green Pi).

Belcat D-BOX acoustic guitar preamp.